
Amazon is an American multinational company, that focuses on e-commerce, e-advertising, digital streaming, and digital marketing. This is using artificial intelligence. it is one of the Big Five American technology companies. Here a detailed guidelines about Ways to Make Money on Amazon for those who use Amazon services.

Where is the Amazon industry located?

The headquarters of Amazon is in Seattle, Washington. It has a mission to provide customer services in 16 languages for more than 130 locations around the world. It has the most efficient customer service team to solve problems and provide services in hand to delight the customers.

What is is an online platform providing services to sell many products including books, music, beauty products, household items, health and beauty products, toys and games, kitchen items, and many more services. It provide services are country specific. for example, for the US, for France, etc. It is an international service provider.

7 ways to make money on Amazon

Here are the seven best ways to earn money on Amazon.

Choice of the right niche

Choosing the right niche is the best way to succeed here. Think about your hobby! what you can sell to make money. Once you choose the right niche and capitalize on your knowledge in a specific industry. You can inspire your audience once you have a good command over your skill.

Although you can sell a single product or choose a category for different items. You can choose toys, clothes, groceries, etc., the most demanding articles on it. Keep an eye on the analytics, either you need to expand your business or narrow it down.

Build your Brand

It is not quite easy to try and follow the trend on Amazon. Your investment and customer loyalty matter a lot. Start your brand because it offers tools and benefits for the owners. If you already have a brand enroll your brand in the brand registry to unlock automated protections. You can serve as a manager of your band.

Affiliate Marketing Place

You can earn money through marketing on your already existing blog or website. You can go with the Amazon Association program, if you see some cool products on its website, you can promote it and earn your commission from this platform.

Simply you need to promote on social media pages, emails, blogging, or any WhatsApp group. This is a good way to make money here without selling anything.

You can earn up to 10% in advertising fees from qualified purchases. You can promote in different niches like health, beauty, diet, etc.

Amazon offers to sell B2B.

Here is another choice for you to sell to others. It helps to reach B2B customers of all categories and all sizes. You can use a visual dashboard, pricing, quantities and quality, discounts, and many more.

Sell Wholesale Goods

Similarly, different brands are selling their items. Amazon offers to sell in bulk. No matter if you are doing your business or selling for other companies. For most sellers, it is a popular way to make money on Amazon.

For years now, wholesaling on Amazon has become very difficult. Though it doesn’t have much potential to scale like the private label, it is still a great way to earn money.

Publishing Books with KDP

If you have good skills of writing you can use this platform. KDP stands for Kindle Direct Publishing, it helps you to share your manuscript in different forms. This may be eBooks, paperback, or hardcover. Thousands of people have been doing their online publishing since 2007 on Amazon.

Write Reviews for Amazon Vine Program

Yet this is another example where you don’t earn any cash directly but receive free goodies in exchange for a review.

Amazon Vine program offers to people who consistently leave reviews for products on Amazon. The purpose of this program is to encourage people to write honest, unbiased, and helpful reviews.

The best way to get an invitation to be a part of this program is to leave clear and helpful reviews on the products you purchased earlier.

How to get a job on Amazon

Getting a job on Amazon is an easy task. As it has a worldwide network. The first step is to apply on an online portal against your experience. However, there are thousands of jobs at a time, so choosing the right combination, motivation dedication, and experience helps you to hire.

Amazon Work Requirements for Different levels

The most important skills that can help you are technical skills. The requirement for work depends on at what level you are going to apply. no need for a bachelor’s degree for entry level though you need to have a good resume.

for the managerial job, you may be required a bachelor’s degree. There are different categories of work like software development, designing, programming, java, C++, etc. with good experience in the required field helps you to get a good job.


Amazon is an American multinational company, that focuses on e-commerce, e-advertising, digital streaming, and digital marketing. This is using artificial intelligence. it is one of the Big Five American technology companies.

Getting a job on Amazon is an easy task. As it has a worldwide network. The first step is to apply on an online portal against your experience. However, there are thousands of jobs at a time, so choosing the right combination, motivation dedication, and experience helps you to hire.

By Sadia

Digital Marketer, Freelancer, SEO Expert

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